Just Sleep On It!

“There just aren’t enough hours in the day!” I hear this and catch myself thinking it more often than I’d like to admit. We are living at a pace that is out of sync with our natural rhythms and seem to be in a perpetual race against the clock to see just how much we can get done in a day. The first question is, what’s the cost? The second question is, is it worth it?

Without pauses throughout the day for relaxation, we propel ourselves into a chronic stress cycle or at the very least, high stress more frequently than nature ever intended. Working overtime is a source of pride to the point that, its not if, but how much. Professional intensity and job related stress have become a source of identity and definition in our culture. It is no surprise that of the top ten causes of death in the US, at least five are stress related or affected.

As stress increases, so do our levels of cortisol and adrenaline. In the short term, these two hormones increase blood pressure, speed up respiration and affect blood vessels. In the long term, chronic circulation of stress hormones is degenerative to the body. IT affects our immune function, hormone balance, nervous system and cardiovascular system, just to name a few. Slowing down for a few minutes throughout the day, letting your breath slow down and your shoulders drop, actually helps to bring these hormones back into balance. Without these moments of pause, most of us circulate stress hormones constantly. At the end of the day, nerves fried and hormones out of whack, our body is completely unprepared for restful sleep. We then go to bed late, have fitful sleep and wake up tired. Sound familiar?

Regular, consistent sleep is a remarkable gift and health miracle we can give ourselves. It gives your body the opportunity to drop your stress hormones to start anew. Without enough time asleep, this discard of cortisol doesn’t occur. Ultimately, our health, our moods and our productivity are all affected. For instance, losing just one hour of sleep a night can contribute to:

  • Inflammation
  • Memory Loss
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Weight Gain / Overweight
  • Compromised Immune Function
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Depression / Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Gastrointestinal Problems
  • Asthma
  • Alzheimer’s

Sleep restriction will cause the hormone leptin, which tells your body you are full, to decrease. This means you will not feel satisfied. It also causes the hormone ghrelin, which tells you to eat, to increase. This means we will feel hungry even when we’re not. I believe this plays a huge part in the stress eating cycle and I know I’m not the only one who stress eats, at least time to time.

Being honest with myself, I know that every time I am caught in the cycle of go-go-go, I am usually overcommitted and caught up in far more than I need to be. This is a convenient and very acceptable way for me to avoid addressing whatever is happening with me, and completely abandon self-care. The irony is, the moment I stop and ask myself, what do I really need to be doing right now, and put first things first, the stress diminishes. I am able to sleep more soundly and wake up with a more balanced, fresh perspective. This enhances my commitment to honoring my needs so that I can keep caring for those I love.

I don’t know about you, but I have trouble functioning after one night of interrupted sleep. I’m not sure I’d want to meet myself after a week.


I’ve found these things to be helpful for end of the day decompression and preparation for sleep:

  • Turn off all electronics half an hour before going to bed. Don’t sleep with your phone!
  • Magnesium – most of us are deficient and it can make a world of difference. I really like the dermal magnesium. See the link below.
  • Pen and paper – when the what if’s and the worry thoughts are dominating, write it all down and then let it go. You really will be able to pick it back up in the morning, if you choose to
  • Take a bath with Epsom salts and essential oils.
  • Gentle / Restorative Yoga
  • Meditation
  • No caffeine past noon.
  • No sweets past three.
  • No food past seven.
  • Bach Rescue Sleep – this is a flower essence so there are no side effects of contraindications. It is safe for babies and pregnant women.
  • Calms Forte – homeopathic, so again, safe for everyone, no contraindications!
  • Lavender essential oil – put a few drops on your pillows an hour before bed.
  • Melatonin and 5-HTP are supplement options, but be sure these don’t conflict with anything you are currently taking.


Happy Sleeping!





Great short video here…

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